By now, you must have heard the famous phrase ‘content is king‘ – it has been thrown around more often than anyone in the marketing business would like to admit. Despite its ubiquity, there are still people who don’t take it to heart as much as they should, thinking it’s just another cheap marketing phrase. Others don’t really know how to identify good content or why it matters. But the truth of the matter is, you can’t afford to ignore it.
Whether you’re a business owner or a marketing agency you want to know why you should spend money on obtaining the best possible quality content. You might have noticed that the market for this type of service is far from uninformed. This means that you do need to really set aside time to determine who you want to partner up with when content is concerned.

Just a few basic clarifications
If, by any chance, you’re not an experienced marketer who has a full grasp on the importance of quality content, this section, in particular, might clarify a few things as well as help you navigate the treacherous waters of content and the companies that produce it.
Let’s start with a very simple rule of thumb. Not everyone can write quality content. Yes, you know your product or service inside out, but transferring that knowledge to ‘paper’ and ensuring that your customers find it both engaging and clear, well, that is a whole other story. With the bounce rates being one of the major worries, you should, at least, ensure that your content isn’t to blame.
So now that you know that you need to find the right people for your content, here are some essential questions you need to answer before doing so:
- Can I do it myself? ( you can, but you shouldn’t, we covered this already)
- Do you need a professional company or will hiring a content writer suffice? (companies tend to honor the deadlines more, and can take on a bigger workload)
- What is your designated budget fora project or a long term collaboration? ( This is why it is important to collaborate with a transparent content company)
- What keywords are required for the content to be optimized? (A quality content producing company will do the research for you)
- Who is in control? ( If you hire experienced content creators all you need to do is go over the finished product)
Now you are ready to hire the right people for the job. But there is always the burning question – Why do I need to invest in quality content?

Here are some of the benefits of having quality content…
Well, I could go on and on about the numerous benefits of content -remember, I am a writer, so those numerous benefits can be written and rewritten so as to have hundreds of different versions. But given the fact that I am here to show you what quality content is, and not bore you with unnecessary information. I’ll just let some well-researched numbers speak for themselves.
- 65% of people find it hard to produce engaging content, thus missing out on a lot of marketing opportunities
- Content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing even though it generates more than 3 times as many leads
- 72% of marketers say content marketing increases engagement. In addition, 72% say it has increased the number of leads
- Content is worth optimizing since 95% of people only look at the first page of search results
- Small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than small businesses without
- Websites with blog content have 434% more search engine-indexed pages than those that don’t publish
Not bad numbers, are they? The bottom line is, having quality content that you generate on a regular basis can have a great impact on your entire business marketing efforts. But even more importantly you can now opt for a company like Content Control that will take on the task of creating it for you.

Some final words to help sway you…
Now that you have a general idea about why investing in quality content makes so much sense, you might be thinking, as most business owners do, that this seems like something you can do yourself. Well, even if you are a talented writer with a knack for marketing, ensuring consistent top-quality content generation takes up a lot of time. And if you lack proper SEO training all your attempts might be futile as badly optimized content will not attract new leads.
You might be thinking that I am trying to sell you on the idea of hiring a company like mine. Well, yes I am, but I am also trying to give you a heads up as to what can happen if you go at it alone while lacking experience. The sheer time investment is not profitable. You do want to see an ROI on the time and money you put into content creation, and that is only possible if the final product is good enough.
So, run the numbers one more time, check our offers and prices and make an educated decision whether or not getting quality content is worth your investment.