Let’s get acquainted…

Well, hello there,

My name is Marija Hladni and I am the founder and owner of Content Control. Having been a part of the digital marketing industry for over five years now, I thought it was time for a more direct approach to the topic of quality content, and that is how this company got started.

A bit more about us…

We are a group of experienced content writers that have come together to offer a different kind of content service.

If you browse through our website you will see clearly defined prices, simple explanations and all in all a high level of transparency. The reason for this is simple, we want our clients to know exactly what they are paying for. A lot of what is done in the digital marketing world is shrouded in vague explanations and unclear services, and if you are not familiar with all of it, you will end up overpaying for the simplest of tasks.

This is one of the main reasons Content Control came to be. You don’t need to be a marketing expert to know that your website or blog needs quality content. But you do need to know what it is you are getting when you hire a professional content agency. And by keeping it simple here at our Content Control website we hope to provide you with an easy and quick alternative to get the content you deserve while at the same being quite clear about the service you are opting for.

So give us a chance to help you regain control over your content!

Choose the content you need and let’s get cracking!